Stations API 3.0 usage examples


Managing meteostations is easy!

Just get a reference to the stationsapi30..stations_manager.StationsManager object that proxies the OWM Stations API, and then work on it

You can issue CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) actions on the StationsManager and data is passed in/out in the form of stationsapi30.stations.Station objects

Here are some examples:

import pyowm
owm = pyowm.OWM('your-API-key')
mgr = owm.stations_manager()        # Obtain the Stations API client

# Create a new station
station = mgr.create_station("SF_TEST001", "San Francisco Test Station",
                                 37.76, -122.43, 150)
# Get all your stations
all_stations = mgr.get_stations()

# Get a station named by id
id = '583436dd9643a9000196b8d6'
retrieved_station = mgr.get_station(id)

# Modify a station by editing its "local" proxy object = 'A different name'

# Delete a station and all its related measurements


Each meteostation tracks datapoints, each one represented by an object. Datapoints that you submit to the OWM Stations API (also called “raw measurements”) are of type: stationsapi30.measurement.Measurement, while datapoints that you query against the API come in the form of: stationsapi30.measurement.AggregatedMeasurement objects.

Each stationsapi30.measurement.Measurement cointains a reference to the Station it belongs to:


Create such objects with the class constructor or using the stationsapi30.measurement.Measurement.from_dict() utility method.

Once you have a raw measurement or a list of raw measurements (even belonging to mixed stations), you can submit them to the OWM Stations API via the StationsManager proxy:

# Send a new raw measurement for a station

# Send a list of new raw measurements, belonging to multiple stations

Reading measurements from the OWM Stations API can be easily done using the StationsManager as well. As sad, they come in the form of stationsapi30.measurement.AggregatedMeasurement instances. Each of such objects represents an aggregation of measurements for the station that you specified, with an aggregation time granularity of day, hour or minute - you tell what. You can query aggregated measurements in any time window.

So when querying for measurements, you need to specify:

  • the reference station ID
  • the aggregation granularity (as sai, among: d, h and m)
  • the time window (start-end Unix timestamps)
  • how many results you want


# Read aggregated measurements (on day, hour or minute) for a station in a given
# time interval
aggr_msmts = mgr.get_measurements(station_id, 'h', 1505424648, 1505425648, limit=5)


As usually a meteostation tracks a lot of datapoints over time and it is expensive (eg. in terms of battery and bandwidth usage) to submit them one by one to the OWM Stations API, a good abstraction tool to work with with measurements is stationsapi30.buffer.Buffer objects.

A buffer is basically a “box” that collects multiple measurements for a station. You can use the buffer to store measurements over time and to send all of the measurements to the API at once.


from pyowm.stationsapi30.buffer import Buffer

# Create a buffer for a station...
buf = Buffer(station_id)

# ...and append measurement objects to it

# ... or read data from other formats
# -- a dict
# (as you would pass to Measurement.from_dict method)
# -- a JSON string
# that string must be parsable as a dict that you can feed to
# Measurement.from_dict method
with open('my-msmts.json') as j:

# buffers are nice objects
# -- they are iterable
for measurement in buf:

# -- they can be joined
new_buf = buf + another_buffer

# -- they can be emptied

# -- you can order measurements in a buffer by their creation time

# Send measurements stored in a buffer to the API using the StationManager object

You can load/save measurements into/from Buffers from/tom any persistence backend:

  • Saving: persist data to the filesystem or to custom data persistence backends that you can provide (eg. databases)
  • Loading: You can also pre-load a buffer with (or append to it) measurements stored on the file system or read from custom data persistence backends

The default persistence backend is: stationsapi30.persistence_backend.JSONPersistenceBackend and allows to read/write buffer data from/to JSON files

As said, you can use your own custom data backends: they must be subclasses of stationsapi30.persistence_backend.PersistenceBackend


from pyowm.stationsapi30 import persistence_backend

# instantiate the default JSON-based backend: you need to provide the ID of the 
# stations related to measurements...
json_be = persistence_backend.JSONPersistenceBackend('/home/myfile.json', station_id)

# ... and use it to load a buffer
buf = json_be.load_to_buffer()

# ... and to save buffers

# You can use your own persistence backends
my_custom_be = MyCustomPersistenceBackend()
buf = my_custom_be.load_to_buffer()